HONESTY- INTEGRITY- HARD WORKING If you are looking for quality service with honest workmanship then John’s Appliance is the right fit for you. For over 35 years John’s Appliance Service and Sales has provided in-home appliance repair for the Milwaukee and Waukesha area.
In 1967, John’s father opened an appliance sales store here in Milwaukee, selling new appliances for the home. John began working for his father at the age of 12 delivering new appliances.
By the age of 16, he had begun repairing and rebuilding the used appliances taken as trade-in, selling them at his father’s store for discounted prices. Within a few years, John became an expert and was doing in-home appliance service & repair.
Over 35 years later, he continues to do in-home appliance service with one of the largest growing customer bases in Milwaukee and Waukesha area, servicing both residential and property management customers. John’s dedication to offering quality repair service and standing behind his service has helped the company to grow bigger every year.
The tradition continues into the third generation with John’s son, Peter. Peter started as a young boy as well, curious and intuitive, he began working with his father on appliances. Currently, Peter is the service manager, regularly attending continued education and training other technicians as he continues to provide quality service repairs in Milwaukee and Waukesha County.